Starr Parts And Equipment's company goal is a simple one:

This commitment to quality and service is our guarantee. Your parts will be sent promptly to get your machine back into service. We understand downtime costs money.

Quality, prompt service, knowledgeable personnel - This is Starr Parts!


We’re celebrating 30 years!

Starr Parts And Equipment sits on 35 acres of a reclaimed strip mine in the Appalachian region of southeastern Ohio. The mine was closed in the early 90s and Starr Parts And Equipment was formed shortly thereafter by Mick McCort, Dave McCort, Bud Connor and Tom Stivison. 

The company decided to invest in Komatsu machines because they cost less and had fewer breakdowns than similar machinery used at the time. The only downside was that used Komatsu parts were hard to locate. 

A huge part of Starr Parts’ success is from our firsthand experience working with these machines, knowing from experience what heavy equipment owners and operators experience on a day-to-day basis.

Our customers appreciate our firsthand knowledge and experience with the equipment as they seek ways to minimize operating costs while keeping their machines running safely and efficiently. 

Over the years, Starr Parts has grown from exclusively offering Komatsu parts to expand into other popular heavy machinery equipment, as well as offering new aftermarket parts.

In 1992, Starr Parts And Equipment joined forces with Columbus Equipment Company, the authorized Komatsu dealer for Ohio. We are still a separate entity, but this partnership allows us to expand our inventory and bring operational efficiencies. Columbus Equipment Company dates back to 1952, bringing a wealth of additional experience and knowledge to our team!

We began this journey as equipment operators, and now we’re proud to support other equipment owners and operators with high-quality, affordable parts all over the country. 

We began this journey as equipment operators, and now we’re proud to support other equipment owners and operators with high-quality, affordable parts all over the country.